How to unwind after a long day.....
It's at the end of your day... you just worked long hours in front of a desk, on your feet or even at home taking care of kids and the house.... the day might have felt like it was never ending or was moving way to fast. We all have days that we are glad have come to an end.
When we have days like this we might just want to get home, crawl in bed but this isn't always the best idea because you end up just thinking about your day. Might fall asleep but you will be worried that the next day will be just as long and you wake up with a mind that is already stressed.
We all need more in our lives then work... we need to learn to relax... just take a step back. Even tiny changes can help after a long hard day. Next time you feel like you need a break after your day try some of these ways to help your mind and body relax.
Drink Something Hot
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate or even just warm water with honey, lemon and cinnamon. Breathing in the warm aromas and steam can help open up your sinuses and help you feel refreshed. I love to find a big mug, make myself hot chocolate with milk, grab my soft blanket, then slowly sip as I feel my throat and body being warmed. I instantly feel more relaxed and almost ready for bed.

Journal therapy is a good way to help with a lot of issues in life: relationship, illnesses, stresses. I've found that writing down the days worries or struggles can help you overcome them. Instead of writing you can also doodle and draw to help take your mind away from things. Allowing your hand to flow and get creative helps to bring in clarity.
Listen to Music
Listening to music can be on of the best ways to recuperate after a long day. Certain songs have the ability to transport you back to a specific time and place that nostalgic feeling you get is big enough to overcome any negative thought running through your mind. If you have a song or favorite band that reminds you of happy things, turn it up and let the good tunes play. You can start this on your day home.
Work Out
When ever you have an issue, you should go sweat it out. Even though you might be exhausted and overworked from the day, fitting in a little bit of exercise can actually help you feel less tired. You can sweat out bad toxins and burn away chemicals that are causing stress inside of you. Exercise also releases endorphin that help you feel good about your well-being.
Read a Book
There is nothing better than reading a good book after a long day. You'll realize that after a few minutes, your mind has completely rerouted itself. You are now lost in the pages of the story.
Take a Bath
When taking a bath its important to set up the scene first. Buy some flowers to float the petal in the bath. Get candles and set them up around the edge of the tub and bring them to life. You can even add incense. Creating a perfect atmosphere will make a bath that much more enjoyable.
Put Away Your Cell Phone
Put it down and leave it be. You may be surprised how much better you feel after disconnecting from the outside world to enjoy your immediate one.
Do Nothing
Sometimes it's better to just sit somewhere and do absolutely nothing. Your body needs a break. You can take this moment and focus on mediating.
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