
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Sick During pregnancy

Sick During pregnancy

So I am 24 weeks pregnant and I have the cold in this heat!!!  This can’t be good, can’t take any medication and have a toddler which I have to take care of… so what to do, what to do?

It started from a sore throat and then a stuffy nose and now a full on cold during pregnancy, but guess what there are many safe and natural remedies that can help me with this cold which I already have in my pantry.

Some good news is that even though I am pregnant and have a cold it won’t pass to my baby but it is possible that my symptoms could last longer during pregnancy since my immune system is working at a slightly lower function and my body may not be able to deal with the cold symptoms as effectively.

Some medications during pregnancy are recommended by the government like Tylenol for fever or pain as well as over the counter cough and cold medicines such as Robitussin and Coricidin for cough and congestion after the first trimester. Even though these medications are recommended by the government there have been studies that Tylenol during pregnancy has been recently linked to an increased risk of ADHD in children. Tylenol is also hard on the mother’s liver, especially during pregnancy. 

Some natural cold and cough remedies to use during pregnant-

          Daily consumption of a garlic supplement reduces people’s chance of a cold by over 60%, but if you are already sick garlic helps with getting better faster. During pregnancy its best to have 1 crushed, raw garlic clove with each meal. If your cold is very bad you should increase your garlic intake to 1 crushed, raw clover per every 23 hours. It have it taste better you can have the garlic with honey.

          IT alkalinizes the body and most illnesses can’t thrive in alkaline environments. It also contains good bacteria which help to fight of infections.
          Mix 1-2 tablespoons into water or tea and drink 3 times a day.
          You can also gargle to Apple cider vinegar to soothe a sore throat.

          Raw, local honey is best to use to antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic.
          Take 1 teaspoon three times a day.

          Raw onion has phytochemicals that help keep the respiratory tract open. You can make black bean or beef burger and to with lots of onions and mustard. You can add sauerkraut for an extra dose of probiotics.

          Lemon is antibacterial. Also helps alkalinize the body. Rich in vitamin C. Take two lemons, juice and add to a quart Mason Jar. Add filtered water and 1 tablespoon of raw honey and a dash of sea salt for added minerals. Drink throughout the day.

          Coconut Oil is antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. You can add 1/8 teaspoon of Peppermint extract to 2 tablespoon of raw coconut oil. Mix well and add either 10 drops of stevia or 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Mix well. Then spread thin on a piece of parchment paper. Put in freezer for 15 minutes. Eat as a yummy, Peppermint bark dessert.

Warm salt water
          Use as a gargle for a sore throat or with a neti pot for congestion

High quality probiotic
          Supports general health and a good immune response.

          My all time favorite to use is the Elderberry Syrup. Many people have great success with elderberry syrup to relieve cough and cold symptoms. It’s an immune booster which can help speed up recovery. You can often find it in the natural section of your local grocery store.

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